All Collections
For Community Partners
A collection of help articles for our Community Partners (CSOs, GPs,...)
What happens after a Community Partner refers a carer?
What information do I need to refer a carer?
How to help carers make a booking.
Is there any cost to the carer support organisation?
What are the benefits of Community Partner Membership?
How can I correct a mistake on a carer referral?
Credit Contributions: Pre-payment of admin fees
Marketing & Promotional Materials for General Use
Adding a team member. Setting up new accounts for staff.
How to log in
How do I know if a carer(s) has booked a break?
Is my carer already referred to Carefree?
How to create a referral account
How to refer eligible carers
I'm a CSO worker/staff and also a carer/ one of my colleagues is also a carer. Can I refer myself/ colleague as a CSO worker?