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How to refer eligible carers

Referring carers

Miruna Harpa avatar
Written by Miruna Harpa
Updated over a year ago

Once your organisation has joined Carefree, you can create a staff account(s) and start referring eligible unpaid carers (see our article on who's eligible).

To refer a carer through Carefree, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the menu in your profile and click REFER A CARER.

  2. Review the eligibility criteria for carers before proceeding.

  3. Click "Start a Referral" and submit the carer's details.

  4. We will only ask for the carers:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • DOB

  • Email

  • Postcode

  • Phone number

  • Who they care for - Adult(s), Child(ren) or Both

  • Confirmation of carer's permission

Once you have submitted your carer, they will receive an immediate welcome email with login details.

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